Willy and Stone Fox

Willy and Stone Fox is the thrilling sequel to the bestselling Stone Fox. It has been two years since Willy competed in that fateful National Dogsled Race. Two years since he lost his dog, Searchlight. Two years since Stone Fox stood up and made sure Willy won the race, Willy carrying Searchlight over the finish line while Stone Fox held the other racers at bay. And now, Stone Fox needs Willy's help to save his land and his family. But can Willy race again? And without Searchlight?


Grade Level
Trim Size
5 1/2" x 7 1/2"
Page Count


1 Colour Illustrations


Titles in This Series (Total of 1)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
Willy and Stone Fox 97808844897262025 $23.8020%$19.04 Will Ship 4-6 Wks