Adventures of Dr. Sloth, The: Rebecca Cliffe and Her Quest to Protect Sloths

True or false: Sloths are lazy. Answer: False! True or false: Sloths are mysterious. Answer: True! Scientists are only beginning to discover how sloths live in the wild. Sloths spend most of their lives in trees, and until recently scientists didn’t know very much about them. But Dr. Rebecca Cliffe was determined to discover their secrets. To find out more, she fitted sloths with special backpacks containing a device to track their activity. And she’s helped create sloth crossings and plant trees to ensure the sloths aren’t trapped in shrinking territories.


Grade Level
Trim Size
10 5/8" x 8 7/8"
Page Count
Dewey Number


Colour Photographs, Author Biography, Further Reading, Glossary, Index, Page Plus, Web Sites


Titles in This Series (Total of 1)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
Adventures of Dr. Sloth, The: Rebecca Cliffe and Her Quest to Protect Sloths 97815415893912022 $34.5020%$27.60 Available