Grow Happy

My name is Kiko. I'm a gardener. I grow happy. Let me show you how. Kiko shows the reader how she grows happiness: by making good choices, taking care of her body and mind, paying attention to her feelings, problem solving, and spending time with family and friends. Kids will learn that they can play a pivotal role in creating their own happiness, just like Kiko. A Note to Parents and Other Caregivers provides more strategies for helping children learn how to grow happiness.


Grade Level
Trim Size
8" x 10"
Page Count


Colour Illustrations, Note to Adults, Original Artwork


Titles in This Series (Total of 1)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
Grow Happy 97814338233122017 $24.7520%$19.80 Will Ship 4-6 Wks