Take a Hike!: And Other Ways to De-Stress and Relax in Nature

With a mixture of inspirational text and practical tips, this tween-friendly handbook encourages kids to seek out nature for health benefits and planet protection. Kids who spend more time in nature benefit in mind, body, and spirit! And likewise, they benefit the Earth. This guide explains the powerful connection between us and our planet and shares practical tips and fun activities anyone can do to get outside and soak up nature. An advisory board of psychologists and nature conservationists infuses the book with expertise in kid-friendly ways. Stunning photography showcases nature as fun, mighty, beautiful, and just outside!Science continues to show the healing benefits of nature for mental health, more important than ever in the midst of a post-pandemic world.


Grade Level
Trim Size
7" x 9"
Page Count


Color Photographs, Glossary, Hands-on Activities, Index, Table of Contents


Titles in This Series (Total of 2)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
Take a Hike!: And Other Ways to De-Stress and Relax in Nature 97814338452082025 $42.0020%$33.60 Will Ship 4-6 Wks
Take a Hike!: And Other Ways to De-Stress and Relax in Nature 97814338452152025 (PB)$27.0020%$21.60 Will Ship 4-6 Wks