Abuela's Letter

Abuela's Letter is a beautiful story that addresses loss and grief within a Latin family where a young girl is challenged by the death of her grandmother and discovers letter-writing as a way to cope and connect with her loved one's passing. Alma's favourite days are when her big family gathers at Abuela's house. TAos take siestas while tAas tell their stories, and primos play dominoes while Abuela stirs the frijoles. Always at the center is the love of Abuela, Alma3s beloved grandmother and her number one fan! When Abuela dies, all of this is suddenly gone. Alma is filled with sadness and grief, until she finds a letter that Abuela left for her.Could Abuela's words be what fills her heart again with love and sweet memories? This thoughtful story captures the concept of ""familismo"" beautifully_a Latin cultural value that involves dedication, commitment, and loyalty to family.


Grade Level
Trim Size
8" x 10"
Page Count


Colour Illustrations, Note to Adults, Original Artwork


Titles in This Series (Total of 1)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
Abuela's Letter 97814338436862025 $29.4520%$23.56 Will Ship 4-6 Wks