
This humorous picture book uses robots to help kids explore big emotions. Did you know robots never stay up past their bedtime? They power down right at seven o'clock. And when robots are upset, they never hit. They use their programming language: BLEEP BLOOP! But even robots with all the latest updates will occasionally malfunction. Meltdowns happen. And while they are no fun, they don't last forever. Meltdown! normalizes big emotions and explores some ways to cope with even the biggest mega robot meltdowns. With colourful illustrations full of imaginative details, this pun-tastic picture book is fun to read for robo-kids and grown-up robots alike.


Grade Level
Trim Size
8" x 10"
Page Count


Colour Illustrations, Note to Adults


Titles in This Series (Total of 1)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
Meltdown! 97814338425732024 $29.4520%$23.56 Will Ship 4-6 Wks