Lobe Your Brain: What Matters about Your Grey Matter

Kids know that their brain does a lot, like make them move, smile, remember, think, feel, and emote. But do they know how it really works? Readers will take a tour of the lobes of the human brain to discover all the cool things that it can do in this must-have introduction for all nonfiction collections. Includes kid-friendly examples, simple explanations, and basic anatomy illustrations that show different parts of the brain and central nervous system, basic neurological function, and how everything flows.


Grade Level
Page Count


Charts, Graphs, Diagrams, Colour Illustrations, Original Artwork


Titles in This Series (Total of 1)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
Lobe Your Brain: What Matters about Your Grey Matter 97814338304642021 $26.3520%$21.08 Will Ship 4-6 Wks