Emilia's Corte

Through a hand-me-down traditional Mayan skirt, Emilia takes flight and sees her neighbourhood in a new way, embracing her Guatemalan culture and letting her personality shine through her shyness. Emilia would rather play with her kite alone than go to birthday parties, pick up beans for her mom's frijoles dinner, or wear her mom's old corte into town where everyone can see her. With a gust of wind, Emilia's corte takes flight, and she sees what it's like to miss out on celebrating with friends, dancing to the marimba at the park, and being brave enough to ask for her favourite cookie, champurradas.


Grade Level
Trim Size
9" x 11"
Page Count
Dewey Number


Author's Note, Color Illustrations, Glossary, Original Artwork


Titles in This Series (Total of 1)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
Emilia's Corte 97819583725482024 $29.4520%$23.56 Available