Build a Sandcastle

Slip on your flip flops, head to the beach, and have a whale of a good time building a sandcastle! Let this book be your guide for how to build one, complete with helpful tips from a friendly starfish. So, pack up your shovels and buckets, invite a friend, and head out for a perfect sunny day at play. Don't forget sunscreen!


Grade Level
Trim Size
9" 11 x 3/8"
Page Count

Titles in This Series (Total of 2)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
Build a Sandcastle 97814788804622025 $28.4520%$22.76 Will Ship 4-6 Wks
Build a Sandcastle 97814788804792025 (PB)$14.9520%$11.96 Will Ship 4-6 Wks