The Boy Who Loves to Lick the Wind

The boy next door, who has autism, loves to lick the wind. ÌYou should try it,Ê says his mom. ÌAll the best winds are at the beach.Ê And so begins an amazing afternoon by the sea for two boys. One doesnÎt always speak with words and likes throwing stones into the sea--the other likes to collect shells and make sandcastles. But the sea works its magic and by the end of the day the boys discover they both love to lick the wind--together. And back in school the next morning, the whole class discovers the pleasure of licking the wind!


Grade Level
Trim Size
9 1/2" x 10 7/8"
Page Count
Dewey Number

Titles in This Series (Total of 2)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
Boy Who Loves to Lick the Wind, The 97814788896012024 $26.9520%$21.56 Available
Boy Who Loves to Lick the Wind, The 97814788896182024 (PB)$13.4520%$10.76 Will Ship 4-6 Wks