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Furry, scaly, and slimy friends begin to slumber. Zzzz! Why? Check the thermometer and the hours of daylight! Learn about hibernation spurred on by changes in the weather. Colourful photos and carefully levelled text bring these seasonal slumbers to life. Just be quietÑthe animals are sleeping!
From Argentina to Zimbabwe, weird and wild dinosaurs have been discovered all over the world. While we all know about T. Rex and Triceratops, this series of high-interest graphic novels introduces young readers to their lesser-known but equally cool dino counterparts, including Mbiresaurus raathi, Meraxes gigas, Bisticeratops froeseorum, and Yuxisaurus kopchiki. The fun and informative comic book format lets readers get up close and personal with the teeth, claws, and spikes that make these dinos so special.
Help students get the concepts they need to know while building foundational reading skills with The Breakdown. Each title layers decoding strategies with comprehension skills to ensure students can access the text as they build content knowledge. With Weird Animal Science: The Breakdown, older struggling readers and beginning English Language Learners can explore the science of animals while building reading fluency.
Help students get the concepts they need to know while building foundational reading skills with The Breakdown. Each title layers decoding strategies with comprehension skills to ensure students can access the text as they build content knowledge. With Weird Space Science: The Breakdown, older struggling readers and beginning English Language Learners can explore the science of space while building reading fluency.
What exactly do boys do? The answer is anything and everything! From eating to dreaming, making mistakes to exploring, to hurting and loving, there is more to being a boy than meets the eye. In this fun, affirming book that holds no restraints to traditional norms about what it means to be a boy, readers will rejoice at all of the possibilities.
Look out your window and you might see sunny skies, rain clouds, or even wind blowing the world around. WhatÎs going on out there? Explore the world through weather! Rain or shine, young readers will love learning the science of weather through lively text paired closely with colorful photos.
Explore the world of machines! Digging, plowing, drilling, flying; big or small. Machines are used all over the world in all sorts of ways.Discover the different machines used on the farm, at the theme park, for saving lives at the hospital, and much more! Learn which machines are used to build houses, and which one make loop-de-loops. See machines that can be found around the house and ones that are blasted into space. Bright, illustrated scenes show different machines in action, while simple, informative text explains how they work. Perfect for little engineers who like to see what machines do and how they work.
Kids never want to go to bed or brush their teeth. Why should they? This series gives them an answer thatÎs better than ÌBecause I said so!Ê This funny illustrated take on health topics such as sleep, personal hygiene, and nutrition doesnÎt preach or bore. It takes Ìwhat ifÊ to the extremeÑall in the name of health science.
The What3s That? series brings first concepts to life with vibrant scenes on colours, opposites, numbers, and words. Engaging questions, puzzles, and mazes make learning fun, boosting observation and communication skills for young learners.
What-to-Do Guides for Kids are designed to guide kids with cognitive-behavioral techniques most often used in therapy. Engaging, encouraging, and easy to follow, these books empower kids through rough spots and set them up to live with a more calm, settled mind.