Lizzie and the Last Day of School

When the time comes for Lizzie to start First Grade, she can't wait. Everyone tells her it will be a whole year of school. And Miss Giggliano, the first-grade teacher, tells her class to make this the best year of school ever. Miss G.'s class wins the Centipede Reading Award. And they even win the Nature Study Award for their bee and butterfly garden. It's a great year! But all great things must come to an end. When the last day of school arrives, Lizzie is dismayed. How can this be? It was supposed to be a whole year! But good news soon arrives and Lizzie, along with Miss G., finds herself in a different classroom and eager to learn!


Grade Level
Trim Size
9" x 11"
Page Count
Dewey Number


Colour Illustrations


Titles in This Series (Total of 1)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
Lizzie and the Last Day of School 97815853689522015 $25.2020%$20.16 Will Ship 4-6 Wks